Be Our Trading Partner
Do you want to expand the scope or range of your business with unique and innovative devices?
R-Filter Kft. is looking for resale partners to distribute its self-produced disinfectant and air purification solutions in Hungary and the European Union.
What we offer
- high quality products
- ever-expanding portfolio
- modern, environmentally friendly technology

- we conclude a distributor agreement
- providing continuous professional training and background support
- and regular consultation opportunities
What target groups can our products be sold to?:
- hotels, restaurants and food businesses
- catering project companies
- közintézmények – önkormányzatok, oktatási intézmények, orvosi rendelők
- építőipar – légtechnikai tervező – és kivitelező cégek
- vineries
- agriculture, animal production
Contact us!
Find us at one of our contacts below.